The Average Cost of Utilities in a Chicago Apartment

Image of a utility bill and a calculator

With any apartment, the cost of rent is not the only expense you should budget for. While the monthly rent may be a fixed cost, you must also allocate additional funds for monthly utility costs, as they may fluctuate depending on the season. While some apartments may include some utilities with your monthly rent, typically most properties require you to sign up for your own accounts prior to moving in. But how much are we talking about?

Let’s dive into the average cost of utilities in Chicago and ways you can save!

Utilities at a Glance

First off, based on where you live, the cost of utilities may differ. For example, if you live in a more urban area, your utility costs may be higher in comparison to if you live in a more rural setting. Generally speaking, for Illinois residents, utility expenses are moderate compared to other states, including ME, VT, GA, OR, WY, MO, AK, and CA. This interactive map breaks down the state-to-state utilities cost further for you.


Average Apartment Utilities Bill

Image of a utility bill breakdown with a calculator

After signing up for utilities, it’s good to know that costs may fluctuate based on the season. For example, electricity is normally the highest monthly utility expense, especially if you work from home, play video games, watch TV often, use the HVAC, leave fans on, and cook on an electric stove; you get the point. Other utilities may include gas, water, and sewer usage. According to, the typical cost of utilities in Illinois is $335 (not including cable and internet, which may depend on the provider you choose and the internet speed capabilities).

Here’s an example of what your utility bills could look like:

• Electricity: $130 a month

• Gas: $149 a month

• Water: $28 a month

• Sewer: $28 a month

• Cable and Internet: $72 a month (this can change based on the package and internet speed you have).

Of course, be sure to keep in mind that these are averages. Depending on your usage, apartment size, location, amenities, and rental packages, the above costs may be higher or lower.


Tips for Saving Money on Your Utility Bill

In a world driven by inflation, we are always looking for ways to save. Here are some tips that may help reduce monthly utility costs:

• Turn off any lights when you’re not home.

• Change your HVAC filters regularly (it’s recommended to do this every 3 months).

• Adjust your thermostat to a few degrees warmer (it should still be comfortable and safe for you).

• Swap regular light bulbs to LED as they are energy-efficient.

• Unplug unused appliances or use “Smart Power Strips” for appliances to enter standby when it’s not in use.

• Have an air fryer? Use that instead of your stove for baking or cooking small baked/fried meals (whenever possible).

• Ensure your faucets don’t have leaks. If you have suspicions, have your maintenance crew come and do a quality check.

• If available, use an “eco cycle” on your washer/dryers to use less utilities but still produce an efficient clean.


Schedule Your Apartment Tour with Us!

Are you considering moving to the Chicago- area? Come visit one of our wonderful properties located in both urban and suburban areas! Well-maintained buildings. Desirable locations. Responsive service. Reasonable rents. All from a group of people – corporate, management, maintenance – united in their commitment to the satisfaction of every resident we serve.

Visit to view our available communities today or contact us at to schedule a tour!



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Since 1996, TLC has been dedicated to delivering everything apartment living should be, and as a Chicago-based company that owns and operates its own properties, we are uniquely qualified to do so. Well-maintained buildings. Desirable locations. Responsive service. Reasonable rents. All from a group of people – corporate, management, maintenance – united in their commitment to the satisfaction of every resident we serve.

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